Saves lives with better preventative care
- Early Detection of Cardiovascular and Diabetes Complications
- Autonomic Nervous System and Artery Assessment
Doctors & Hospitals in New York, Texas & California have found this very beneficial and are efficiently using it for their patients & their practices.
The Advantages:
1. We provide the Arterial Testing Monitor at NO COST
2. We provide the training and pay for your MEDICAL ASSISTANT to operate the device
3. He/She then administers the NON-INVASIVE TESTS in 5-7 minutes
4. The device prints out a CLEAR REPORT with ACCURATE RESULTS
5. The Doctor reads the report to layout his/her TREATMENT PLAN
6. Early detection, prevent complications
7. Increase revenue at no cost to practice.
Primary Care, Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Podiatrist, Osteopathic Etc.
For those over 40 years old, especially with cardiovascular risk factors (Hypertension, Overweight, Smoker, Diabetic)
From early detection of autonomic nerves and artery damage to prevent major complications and expense
INSURANCE companies, including MEDICARE, pay for this preventive testing